Monday, April 29, 2013

Chassis Use Surcharge

Increasingly, major shipping lines are announcing that they will no longer provide chassis for import and export cargo in a growing number of U.S. markets. We are starting to see many of the ocean carriers begin the implementation of chassis elimination into our region as they announced last year. As a result, we are seeing a slight increase in local drayage cost as well as daily chassis usage fees varying from $20.00 per day to $25.00 per day with a two day minimum.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Strike at Hong Kong International Terminals

Contract dockworkers continue their seven-day strike at Hong Kong's busiest container terminal (HIT).  The stevedores at Hong Kong International Terminals (HIT) are requesting a 17% wage increase over a two year period, however, the employers have rejected that proposal.  Currently the Hong Kong Labor Department and HIT top management are negotiating but it seems a compromise is not within reach.